Acupuncture during Pregnancy

Acupuncture during pregnancy can be used to provide overall support, diminish or eliminate any side effects that may occur, and even prepare for labor and delivery. Treatments can be used to resolve nausea, vomiting, headaches, fatigue, constipation, heartburn/reflux, sciatica, and much more! Misty also has lots of suggestions for things to try at home to help with these ailments. So feel free to email her between your Well-Pregnancy appointments if you need immediate assistance (no need to deal with heartburn for 2 weeks if we can get you relief sooner, right?).

Recommended Frequency of Acupuncture During Pregnancy

1st Trimester (through week 13) 

~ Acupuncture 1x/week

2nd & 3rd Trimester

~ Acupuncture 1x/month*

Beginning at Week 36 (beginning 1 month before the due date or expected delivery date)

~ 1x/week

Labor Support the week of the Due Date or Medical Induction

~ 3 treatments, conducted daily for 3 consecutive days

Check out our research page here for studies regarding the efficacy and safety of acupuncture during pregnancy.

*Patients can come in more frequently for acupuncture sessions, but once a month is the minimum recommendation. Some patients continue acupuncture weekly to help with stress, anxiety, headaches, digestive issues, and other aches and pains.