Frequently Asked Questions

Does acupuncture hurt?

  • Acupuncture needles are tiny – one may feel a slight pinch when the needle goes in, sometimes followed by a tingling sensation or a dull ache, which then subsides. People are usually pleasantly surprised at how minimal the sensation is from an acupuncture needle, and most people find acupuncture deeply relaxing.

How many treatments will I need?

  • Fertility Preparation: I recommend starting with acupuncture once a week for 12 weeks. This gives us time to make a positive impact on egg and sperm quality and lay a healthy foundation for conception and pregnancy.
  • IVF & IUI Support: In an ideal world we would have 3 months to get 12 treatments (acupuncture once a week). However, many patients are already preparing for an IUI or IVF cycle by the time they contact me. Based on the research, our goal is to get in as close to 12 treatments as possible before egg retrieval and/or embryo transfer. Although 12 acupuncture visits are ideal, in my experience any number of treatments before retrieval or transfer is helpful in lowering stress, improving blood flow to the pelvis, and improving your overall fertility experience.
  • Other conditions: It can vary quite a bit from person to person and the condition being treated, but more often than not, you will need a course of treatments for best results. Initially, weekly treatments are advised, and patients usually experience improvement within a few treatments. As the condition improves, treatments will then be needed less and less often. Generally speaking, however, the longer and more chronic a problem is the more treatments it will take to cure the ailment. For an acute pain problem you might experience relief immediately or the next day, and then within a few treatments, the pain is completely managed. For a chronic problem, you might get treatments weekly over a longer period. This is true for most health concerns, not just pain.

What should I expect during an acupuncture appointment?

  • Based on your confidential health history and current symptoms, I will make a Chinese medical diagnosis of your health complaint. I use this information to choose what acupuncture points I will use. At each visit, we will usually talk for a couple of minutes so you can fill me in on any updates, and then you will get on the table for your acupuncture session. I then let you relax with the needles in. It’s best to eat a small snack before your treatment, as getting acupuncture on an empty stomach is not advised.

Where do you put the needles?

  • Mostly below the elbows and below the knees, on the belly or back (depending on your symptoms), and a few relaxation points on the head.

What if I don’t have any current symptoms?

  • By receiving acupuncture – even if there is nothing specifically wrong – you are supporting your health long term by boosting your immune system to prevent sickness in the future. The treatments will also leave you feeling more relaxed with an increased sense of well being. It helps ensure all organs and systems in your body are functioning optimally and your body is continuously in a healthy, balanced state.

How much do your services cost?

  • New patients need a consult (includes your first acupuncture session) – $180
  • Ongoing acupuncture treatment – $90/session
  • You can read more about these services on our Services Page.

We’ve been trying to conceive for some time now, can your program still help me/us?

  • It’s never too late to start achieving optimal health, and your health prior to conception and during pregnancy will have an impact on your child (or children). In my experience, any improvement in a person’s health increases their chances of conception, but more importantly, a healthy live birth.

We’re thinking about doing IVF or IUI cycle in a few months. Should we wait until then to start acupuncture?

  • Absolutely not. The sooner you begin acupuncture, the sooner we can begin improving your health. You may find that you still need to use IUI or IVF to conceive, but getting as healthy as possible beforehand will help improve your chances of success in a healthy live birth. And procedures like IUI and IVF don’t come with a 100% success rate, so anything we can do to improve your health should help improve your chances of success. And acupuncture has the added benefit of lowering stress levels, which my patients find extremely beneficial before, during, and after their IUI and IVF cycles.

We’re trying to conceive naturally, can acupuncture help me?

  • Absolutely! I work with couples trying to conceive naturally, as well as any other combination of assisted reproductive techniques. And if your plans change while we’re working together, then we’ll change your treatment plan to complement it.

Can I continue acupuncture during pregnancy?

  • Of course! During pregnancy, you can’t take many medications to resolve issues that come up. But we can resolve many of these with acupuncture to keep you healthy and comfortable during pregnancy. I work with women during the first trimester to help with nausea and support mama and the pregnancy, as well as throughout pregnancy to prepare them for labor.

I previously saw Misty for acupuncture during my fertility journey, can I come see her for treatment even if I’m not trying to conceive?

  • Absolutely! I’m always happy to see any of my previous patients to help them with any health concerns that have developed. I also love to see previous patients for an immune boosting or stress reduction acupuncture session (some of my patients call this a “Tune-Up”). Acupuncture is great for resolving health issues, but it’s amazing at keeping us healthy and preventing previous issues from returning.

Still have questions that weren’t answered here? No problem! Email Misty with your questions or give us a call to set up a FREE 15-minute phone consult (with Misty) so she can answer all your questions and concerns.


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